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Friday, May 14, 2010


Another day in Scotland! Now, anyone who knows my relationship between me and jaffa cakes would understand how excited I am right now. They're a biscuit but they call them a cake, they're filled with sweet orangy goodness, and they're only 1 gram of fat! I have them for breakfast everyday with tea as well as for a snack with tea.

So I got my hair done today by one of Paul's cousins, I spent a few hours in her beautiful hair salon and took some pictures!

It's so short!!!! yay! Okay so I might not look too enthusiastic in the picture but I really am happy about it. I just hope the hairstyle won't be too high maintenance.... probably not. Oh, and to all those I told that I would never ever ever get bangs (called fringe over here), I changed my mind and decided to go ahead and get it done, I kinda like it.

Now, for a historical little tidbit of today! I went to the Carnegie Library to get a library card but unfortunately their computer system was down so I'm to go in another day. The pretty cool thing about that is, we did some walking around and saw a really gorgeous stained glass window and an urn from the bronze age in a display case just sitting at the top of the stairs.

The Carnegie Library was built in 1893 using local red sandstone. In the window is a portrait of Andrew Carnegie, the man who funded the building of the library (my guess is that it's the portrait type looking window in the top middle)


  1. Oh Amanda I love your hair!
    (and the bangs look great~ even if you didn't think you'd ever get them again! haha)
    I can't wait to see more pictures of Scotland!


  2. Thanks Robyn!! don't worry there's gonna be way more pictures

  3. Love the Hair Amanda. Sophisticated...Yes.
