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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Frankie and Benny's and the Rain

So here's me at Frankie and Benny's, the New york Italian style restaurant I was mentioning in my previous post. Very American style eh? Made me feel like home, kind of like I was in East Side Mario's when I think about it some more, but definately reminded me of A&W but without the fast food and unfortunately without the root beer.
So I decided to do my laundry yesterday and spent the entire day in the house trying to get it all dried. You see, here in Scotland people don't normally use driers so I started really early in the morning on my four loads of washing. Originally I was planning on hanging everything outside, then it started to pour rain. Load after load of laundry came out and I was running out of space to hang clothes. I have a hanger for them but that was full, so I resorted to using Paul's bike as an extra rack. Then I used window sills, curtain poles, towel racks and finally the radiators(which Paul turned on to speed the drying process). The rain stopped so I put a whole bunch of wet laundry outside so I could deal with the clothes drying on the radiators. This was a big mistake on my part because as soon as I sat down, the rain had picked up again and this time it was worse. I ran out of the house to find that everything was wetter than when I put it out. I sure won't make that mistake again. Most of the clothes are dried but some are still kind of damp.
Oh how I took driers for granted!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you could dry your clothes here outside in about an hour. It is windy and hot, hot, hot. About 35C right now. I think you should do 2 loads per day, might cut down on using Paul's bike as a laundry dryer.
    I like the restaurant, it does look American / Canadian style.
