Happy Easter blog readers!
This year was the first year I used the plastic shrink wrap egg covers and I couldn't believe how well they worked. It took a matter of seconds to decorate my hard boiled eggs by slipping the covers over the eggs and lowering them one by one into boiling water with a spoon. It was instantaneous. I thought I was going to have trouble but it was so simple, I barely had to do anything. They look so pretty.
Anyway, Easter morning consisted of an e'gg'citing egg hunt around the house, eating a breakfast of these adorable little hard boiled eggs with hot cross buns and driving our nearly hour drive to church for Easter celebrations. For lunch we had bacon sandwiches (a tradition worth repeating!) they were so good, I had mine with mustard and alfalfa sprouts.... yum!
We all just kind of chilled out around the house, eating chocolates, running around, reading, etc. Then I made a couple salads to bring over to my cousin's place for easter dinner. I made a raw vegan bean sprout salad and a broccoli cole slaw. All the food was delicious, we had a wide assortment of salads as well as the traditional ham, smoked turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes.
After dinner we bottle fed some baby goats, I was given the honor of naming one of the goats. Two were already named Oreo and Cookie, so I veered off the food names and named the little goat "Winston" and it looked like a Winston too.
Then we searched all over the farm in a large scale outdoor egg hunt. The kids were climbing stacks of hay, onto tractors, into the wood pile, up trees and into the barns finding bags of eggs everywhere.
Then we settled down and I demonstrated how my carders and spinning wheel works. I found out that I must be more of a natural at fiber art than I thought I was.
All in all, the day was loads of fun. We brought the kids home and tucked them into bed. Paul and I watched The Passion Of the Christ. A very fitting movie for the easter season, obviously we wouldn't want the kids to watch it because it's far too brutal. It makes me cry nearly the whole way through, an awesome movie though. Paul amazingly fell asleep during the part when Jesus was carrying his cross. I don't know how anyone could fall asleep during that movie, but there you have it. It's not like Paul didn't like it or thought it was boring, he was just tired and falls asleep to every movie we watch together. I can never keep him awake.
Anyway, in the days before easter we did many different crafts with the school, with the library story group and at home. A memorable craft was a construction paper basket weaving project. The kids got coloured hard boiled eggs to put in it instead of chocolates, YES!!!! ten points to the one who thought that one up.
Also, a little project I did myself from the book, "Big Ass Book of Crafts" by Mark Montano. I highly recommend this book for enthusiastic crafters who want a new spin on paper mache or popsicle stick crafts. Behold, the popsicle stick cross! Good project for any time of year. In the book he calls for a wooden medallion for the centre but I couldn't find one. So I used a jewelry piece instead.
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