My new favorite book from the library is "Amigurumi Knits, patterns for 20 cute mini knits" by Hansi Singh. What sold it for me was the Nessie pattern. When asking my kids which cute and cuddly amigurumi they wanted the answer was, "the eggplant" and "the peas"... haven't made those yet due to lack of suitable yarn laying around the house... I can't exactly make Nessie colour peas in a pod or they might look like they've gone bad and a blue or red eggplant would just be wrong! I am planning on making the peas and the eggplant though so check back. Anyway I made Nessie here and thought it was going to be one of the hardest things for me to do but with the pictures and clear instructions in the book, I had absolutely no problem. I'd recommend the book to anybody. And see the background of tartan, it's the Heritage of Scotland tartan and is also my new kilt what you see is the pleats (back).
Also, I've been getting ready for Halloween! The countdown has begun and I'm already making my final stitches on everyone's costumes. This year it's going to be so good I bet one of them might even make the Christmas card photo.... I know you probably don't know what I mean but trust me it's going to be good!