We'll we've been back in Canada for quite a number of months now. We actually
have been doing some quite exciting things here that are worthy of being written on the blogspot, however, my laziness when it comes to writing has taken over until now.
I think I should start with the things I missed about Canada that I never knew I missed until we were actually here. Getting off the plane was a rushed kind of business as well as hitting the road from Vancouver for another long haul trip in the car. It was in the car that I realized that I had picked up one of those accents where it neither sounds Scottish or Canadian but Canadians thought it sounded distinctly Scottish or sounded like I was from Newfoundland depending on who was listening and what I was saying.
I could say that I was emotionally moved by the snow capped mountains of the distance, the smell of the air, the Canadian flags or even the size of the roads.... but those things all paled in comparison to our first visit to Timmies... yes Tim Hortons! We pulled into the Tim Hortons parking lot, piled out of the car and headed toward the doors (me with a huge smile on my face). Mom held the door open for me and then it hit me, the beautiful aroma of freshly brewed Tim Hortons coffee brought tears to my eyes. Now i know what you may be thinking.... but it wasn't the fact that the coffee smell was so strong it made my eyes water, that's not what I'm saying. It was all purely emotional, tears of joy, "I'm home" sort of thing. It was an emotional ordering of my usual large double double and everything bagel toasted with herb and garlic cream cheese.
I missed having cream in my coffee, in Scotland they only give you milk (and it's not because they're trying to be healthy, nobody's trying to be healthy there) I don't really know why they only give you milk, I think it's a tea thing.... and their coffee isn't right either (not that I'm complaining) but their fresh coffee is an americano (espresso and water), I never got a taste for those... and if they don't have an espresso machine it's instant coffee, instant never quite hits the spot. Then there's the bagels and cream cheese.... no, Scotland can't get them right either, my problem is that I demand perfection... so over there I became a tea drinker, simply because the coffee wasn't up to par, but the tea!!!!!! the tea there is perfect, and the chocolate there is excellent. I do miss the chocolate there, and it's taken me a long time to get over my addiction to pizza crunch (even though the amount of grease in it made me sick for at least a day), but that's a different story.